
Tax And Transfer Fees
Once you have found a property that you wish to buy, or you have found a buyer for your home, you need to be aware that there will be various property taxes and transfer fees that will be paid at the land department. These fees can be paid from either party, or on a 50/50 basis. It needs to be established very early in the negotiation process who is paying what.
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Locations Around Pattaya
Pattaya is “a city that never sleeps”! It has much to offer everybody at any time of the day no matter your taste. You enjoy bartering at one of the many fresh morning markets for fruit, meat and vegetables, or appreciating the alms-giving and morning prayers at the temples, or getting some exercise along the Pattaya Boulevard or in one of the parks, or just relaxing at one of the many cafeterias and watching life go by.
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Landlord Responsibility
An agent does this for a living. An agent is knowledgeable about the law of renting properties. An agent is better experienced to qualify tenants for a property. An agent has access to quality and up to date rental contracts. An agent will organise payments from tenant to landlord. An agent will intervene if issues arise. An agent can take all of the hassle out of a rental.
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Transferring Money To Thailand
Should you need to transfer money to purchase a property in Thailand, all funds need to be sent by Telegraphic Transfer (T.T.) with a document identifying the name of the purchaser, and it must be stated clearly in the transfer instructions that the purpose of this money is to buy a condominium unit in Thailand.
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Exchange Rate Calculator
To give you a quick and accurate conversion for your foreign currencies please use the calculator below:
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