Land Size Convertor

Land Measurements In Thailand.

Thailand uses a unique system to measure land sizes. They name the sizes most commonly by Talang Wah or Rai instead of square metres, or square feet.

Below is a quick (approximate) glace at how to convert Thai measurements.

1 Talang Wah = 4 Square Metres = 43 Square Feet
1 Ngan = 400 Square Metres = 4,300 Square Feet
1 Rai = 1,600 Square Metres = 17,200 Square Feet
2.5 Rai = 1 Acre (4,046m²) = 43,000 Square Feet

Sometimes you may see a plot of land for sale with a For Sale sign saying something like “Land for sale 1-3-20” (or similar) which means that the land is:

– 1 rai
– 3 ngan
– and 20 talang wah

Or in sq.m: 1 x 1,600 sq.m + 3 x 400 sq.m + 20 x 4 sq.m = 2,880 square meters.